State Equestrian Centre Facility Funding Proposal

Equestrian Western Australian (EWA), a not-for-profit organisation, has proudly managed the State Equestrian Centre (SEC) since it was built for EWA Members and the broader Equestrian community in 1985.

The SEC is now 33 years old and requires substantial remedial work and redevelopment to guarantee its future for the next 20 years. EWA in collaboration with reports commissioned by the WA Department of Sport have developed a SEC Redevelopment Proposal that identifies $15 million of required works and the need for a commitment to annual recurring funding for long-term facility maintenance.

EWA has a plan to obtain the required funding and has been actively promoting the SEC Redevelopment Proposal to Federal, State and Local Government. However, we need the support of all EWA members and SEC patrons to help us in this endeavour.

Our EWA membership can no longer fund the required maintenance of a 33 year old facility. The ‘Home of Equestrian Sport in WA’ is at serious risk of closure, unless we receive the necessary funding. Without the redevelopment and this essential funding, EWA will need to decide whether the current lease with the City of Swan, which is up for renewal at the end of 2020, is resigned.

WA has a strong and successful equestrian community and the SEC is central to this success. It is the home for riders from grass roots to Olympian and Paralympian level, organisations such as HorsePower, Pony Club, Perth Polocrosse, and numerous equestrian groups and community groups.

We Need YOUR Help to #SaveTheSEC

We've just had an election- so now is the time to write, email and phone your local MP to make your voice heard.

No matter where you live in the state, if we are going to #SaveTheSEC for you, your family, and your friends, we need your support NOW.

How to do that is easy - please keep scrolling down:

 Facility Management Proposal Updates News & Media Articles Q&A 

NEW - 2021 Updated FAQs


1.       Find your electorate – if you are unsure which electorate you are in, you can find out on the Australian Electoral Commission’s website:
2.       Get the contact details for your Federal representative from the list below. If you live in the Canning, Hasluck or Pearce electorates. Or your State representative in Swan Hill, Midland, Kalamunda or West Swan
3.       Email or write to your representative in your own words explaining why the centre is important to you. If you get stuck, we do have a template (however original emails will have more impact).
4.       Encourage your friends, family, colleagues or members of any groups you may belong to, to also show their support by sending an email or writing a personal letter to their federal member of parliament.
5.       If you need assistance or would like more information, please contact the Marketing Coordinator at [email protected]